We dabbled a bit in gardens the last year or two and did the tomatoes-in-pots a few times but this year we are trying a square foot garden. If you're not familiar with it check this out: www.squarefootgardening.com - it really sounds too good to be true! We also bought a farm share from www.redoakfarmsny.com and pick up our first set of farm-fresh organic vegetables tonight!
Jake was more interested in the planting tools...
and the hose
and the water
...but that allowed me to get the plants in their squares without interruption (other than the papparazzi)
Our bed is 4 X 4; in our 16 squares we have green beans (3), cherry tomatoes (2), 'regular' tomatoes (2), jalapeno peppers, banana peppers, green peppers, red peppers, cucumbers (2), watermelon (2). Our neighbor stopped by with an eggplant plant so that's going in the empty square.
I'll post a more recent picture later because the plants were a little droopy but have settled in nicely now! Yay for fresh veggies!
Check out how well everything is doing!
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